Thursday, April 7, 2011

Rareware And The N64 Era

Many people who grew up playing video games in the 90's might remember this little logo. Rareware is a British developer that develops games for Microsoft ever since Microsoft bought the company from Nintendo back in 2002. In the past couple of years, this company has been known to periodically work on games like Perfect Dark Zero, Grabbed By The Ghoulies, Viva Piñata, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, and Kinnect Sports. All these games obviously don't hold up to the company's entries on the N64. With this little countdown of sorts, I will countdown the 5 most important Rareware/N64. In no particular order, that is. Videos and descriptions after the jump.
Goldeneye 007 (1997)
Goldeneye was the game to own for the N64. Actually, it was one of three must own games for the system (the other two being Super Mario 64 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time). This game was and still is great. The game plot is simple: You are James Bond and have to stop global financial meltdown. The controls of the game still work wonders and the story still holds up. However, it's the multiplayer we only care about. A while ago, my friends and I had a small session of playing N64 games and this was the most fun to play. This game is a classic without a doubt. If you can say that this game isn't important for the first-person shooter genre, then you, my friend, should go in a hole. And die.

Diddy Kong Racing (1997)
As a young kid, I remember loving this game. This game was fun. It was easy to understand. The story is a bit forgettable: You are racing to restore the land back to normal from the evil Wiz Pig. You had a good assortment of characters in this game. Most notably Diddy Kong (of the Donkey Kong series) and two future characters: Banjo, the bear and Conker, the squirrel. It's easy to see a flaw here, though. It's a bit dumbed down. An easier rip-off of Mario Kart 64. The car was fine, the plane worked well, but the hovercraft was frustrating. The only thing that was, and still is, amazing about this game: The music. God, what I wouldn't give to have the soundtrack in my iPod.

Banjo-Kazooie (1998)
Right up until New Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo DS, the platform genre was done. Many claim that this was the last great game of that genre. The story is simple: You play as Banjo, the bear who is aided by his trusty friend Kazooie, a bird, on a journey to save his sister Tootie from the evil witch Gruntilda. Again, music is really important to this game and the gamplay was perfect. The one thing that was a bit of a curse for the game and the company: It's too cute. Everything either made gibberish noises and had huge eyes. Another thing about the game, a rip-off of Super Mario 64. I still love this game and i'm proud to call it my first ever N64 game.

Perfect Dark (2000)
This game. Holy shit. Let me say this. I love this game so much. This is a spiritual successor to Goldeneye 007. The game takes place in the year 2023 and you play Joanna Dark and try to stop a war. The gameplay is the same as Goldeneye. Perfect. The multiplayer isn't as fun as Goldeneye but it's still enjoyable. The story, however, surpasses Goldeneye. This game is flawless. Some of the best N64 graphics. Also, one of the greatest first-person shooter games ever. This is a fantastic game, go get it now.

Conker's Bad Fur Day (2001)
I recently beat this game after years of trying to find it. This game is, aside from awesome, really funny. It's very reminiscent of early South Park. You play as Conker, the squirrel and you are an alcoholic. After drinking way too much, you wake up in another land, hungover. Now all you want to do is go back home. However, you must face many things: Hay robots, Nazi teddy bears, cavemen, raving rock monsters, zombie squirrels, villagers, dung beetles, a giant opera singing shit monster, a Xenomorph, and many others. This game plays on the fact that Rareware was known for cute games and plays it off in this mature-rated game. These are the best graphics. Period. Best voice-over work. Also, best movie references (A Clockwork Orange, The Matrix, Reservoir Dogs) and of course, the humor. If you find it, get it. You won't regret this buy.

There are many other games out there that are as great as these 5 but when one thinks of classic Rareware titles, I hope these 5 come to mind.
Later days, kids.

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