Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Sights and Sounds of Record Store Day 2011

I am an idiot. A huge idiot. This is what happens to me when I arrive about two hours late to my local record store on Record Store Day. Interested? More after the jump.

For weeks now, I have been gearing up for RSD 2011. Saving money, getting friends to come, and setting my eyes on five releases.What releases? In order form five to one: Foggy Notion 7"- Velvet Underground,   Wavves/Trash Talk 7", Fucked Up Compilation 12". Whores Moaning 12"- Sonic Youth, and Horemoning 12"- Nirvana. But, stupid me, I ended up coming 2 HOURS LATE.
Well, this is what happened according to people working there. Wavves/Trash Talk sold out five minutes before I arrived. Fucked Up sold out within the hour the store opened. Nirvana. Well, that was the first thing to go. I ended up stealing from a young hipster child the Velvet Underground 7" and I got into a verbal fight with a guy over Sonic Youth. I ended up getting these two.

Do I regret it? No. Did I love these two records? Yes. Was the typing on this thing supposed to be like this? No. Whatever, I'll have better luck next year.

Until then, later days.

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